Free scientific computing courses for environmental scientists

19 December 2022

Registration is now open for a series of free scientific computing courses for environmental scientists

EPCC has been awarded a NERC Training Grant to run three training sessions, covering skills and tools to train researchers and scientists in a range of core data skills for efficient, shareable, and reproducible research practices.

There are two sets of courses: an introductory course (for which no prior knowledge is required), and a slightly more advanced course which will assume knowledge equivalent to attendance at the introductory course (to be advertised at a later date).

The courses will be based on the Software Carpentry curricula, with domain-specific examples being written for each. The introductory course will cover simple use of the command line, an introduction to using python for data analysis, and good software practices. It will be run as three repeated courses, each with capacity for 30 attendees:

• 11 & 12 January 2023, Oxford NOW FULL

• 21 & 22 February 2023, Edinburgh 

• 23 & 24 March 2023, online via Zoom 

Each day will run from 0930 to 1630.

Courses are free and open to any scientist working within the NERC domain in any academic, public, or third sector organisation.

Additional funding is available: 

- Travel and one night's accommodation for in-person courses, with priority given to registered PhD students 

- Reasonable caring costs for attendees who have dependents, which means they would normally struggle to attend a course (either in-person or online). 


- Edinburgh course

Apply by Thursday 26th January.

- Online course

Apply by Thursday 9th March.


Questions about the courses can be sent to Chris Wood: 

We look forward to seeing you in Oxford, Edinburgh, or online!