ARCHER2 training courses

22 March 2024

We provide training courses as part of the ARCHER2 UK National Supercomputing Service. Find out what's coming up.

The ARCHER2 service provides training aimed at researchers, data scientists, and research software engineers and developers. While mostly delivered in person, some online learning is also available, and there are regular virtual tutorials and webinars online. In addition, some of our online courses are recorded and the videos are available as an online resource.

Forthcoming courses

The following ARCHER2 training sessions will be delivered by EPCC staff in April. See link below to view the full programme.

Introduction to Modern Fortran
Kevin Stratford
3-4 April, Durham

Message Passing programming with MPI
David Henty
3-4 April, Cambridge

Intermediate Modern Fortran
Kevin Stratford
10-11 April, Edinburgh

Modern C++ for Computational Scientists
James Richings
10 -11 April, York

Eligibility for training

ARCHER2 training courses are provided free of charge to all academics. Attendance by non-academics at online courses is free, but we would normally require a registration fee for face-to-face courses.

If you are from a commercial organisation and wish to attend a particular course or arrange training at your site by the EPCC team then please contact the ARCHER2 Training Administrator.

Further information

Full details can be found on the ARCHER2 website: