UNIVERSE-HPC Course Materials Mini Hackathon

26 April 2024

UNIVERSE-HPC is working to define a training curriculum framework for research software engineers who specialise in high performance computing. 

The UNIVERSE-HPC project team is organising a one-day hackathon to enhance the course materials that we’ve been developing over the past couple of years.

This will be a great opportunity to network with people interested in training to be research software engineers (RSEs), to contribute to training materials, and to learn about Gutenberg, a new training platform.

 There will be three strands that you can get involved in and contribute to:

  • Course content: from beginner to advanced topics
  • Infrastructure: enhancing/extending/contributing to the Gutenberg training platform
  • Pedagogy: creating learning objectives for lessons.

There is a list of open issues. However, you’re not restricted to undertaking work in these areas.

Gutenberg open-source teaching platform

This will also be a fantastic opportunity to learn about using and deploying Gutenberg, an open-source teaching platform developed at the University of Oxford, that you can use in your own teaching. 

Gutenberg uses course materials written in Markdown and offers the features of a learning management system, for example, giving access to a specific group of enrolled students and tracking their progress through a course. Have a look at an example deployment from Oxford.

Registration form 


Event webpage



If you have any questions, please contact Eirini Zormpa (e.zormpa@imperial.ac.uk) or Jeremy Cohen (jeremy.cohen@imperial.ac.uk).

UNIVERSE-HPC: https://www.universe-hpc.ac.uk