I am EPCC’s Director of Teaching and the Programme Director for the University of Edinburgh’s online Masters in Data Science, Technology & innovation.
Dr Adam Carter

I joined in April 2003 as an Applications Consultant after completing a PhD in Computational Statistical Physics on the subject of Spin Glasses.Since 2003 I've been involved in a broad cross-section of EPCC's work, from commercial data mining to HPC simulations of fusion reactors. I've also been closely involved with EPCC's training and education activities.
Recently, my work has concentrated more in the area of Data Science, and I've worked on projects related to data infrastructures, data management, data preservation and data-intensive computing. I'm involved in two Masters programmes:
MSc in Data Science, Technology & Innovation - A part-time, online programme delivered by multiple schools across the University, including EPCC.
On this programme I'm the Programme Director, Senior Tutor and the Course Organiser of Practical Introduction to Data Science.
MSc in High Performance Computing / MSc in High Performance Computing with Data Science - An on-campus programme delivered by EPCC through the School of Informatics. This programme is led by my colleagues David Henty (on-campus) and Weronika Filinger (online) with whom I work in my role as EPCC’s Director of Teaching. I also teach on the course Fundamentals of Data Management.
I’m also involved in EPCC’s other teaching and training activities, and in recent years I have contributed to courses for the ARCHER2 HPC service, for the University’s DDI initiative, to the School of Engineering’s MSc in Leading Major Programmes and to bespoke courses produced for companies and public sector organisations.