Durham HPC Days 2024

6 May 2024 - 10 May 2024

This event at Durham University will consider the multifaceted challenges faced by compute centres and HPC research groups in academia.

Key challenges faced by compute centres and HPC research groups in academia include a lack of skilled staff, the lack of scalability and efficiency in many codes (supercomputers' energy consumption is increasingly challenging for many institutions, and there is a strong push towards green computing), and the permanent tension between the ML/AI community and traditional simulation customers. The talks at the HPC Days will look at these challenges from different angles, share experience, and discuss potential approaches and solutions. Women in High Performance Computing will also run the session "Community Building and Fostering Diversity".

Registration is open and free of charge for all researchers. 

Durham Days organising committee includes EPCC staff Eleanor Broadway and Nick Brown, and EPCC staff will be participating across the programme.

Event website

Durham Days 2024: