

HPC-Europa3 visitor report

Mats Simmermacher on his recent visit to Edinburgh through the HPC-Europa3 programme.

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HPC-Europa3 visit: molecular modelling of galectin binding compounds

Dr Domenica Capasso was our first HPC-Europa3 visitor at EPCC but was hosted remotely at UCL from Nov 2017 to Dec 2017.

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The Data Lab: cultivating an ecosystem of collaboration in Scotland

Gina Finch of The Data Lab explains how this Scottish innovation centre creates economic benefit through data innovation.

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HPC-Europa3 visit: Optimising the processing of food

Miriam Ruiz Ferrández was a recent HPC-Europa3 visitor to Edinburgh who used EPCC resources while being hosted by Napier University.

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Outreach: Planes, zombies, chickens and bean bags

Wait a minute – isn't this a blog article for EPCC ? One of the premier HPC centres in Europe, where are zombies and bean bags coming from?

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Event Driven Asynchronous Tasks

The INTERTWinE project has spent a lot of effort addressing interoperability challenges raised by task-based models.

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Big Bang Fair 2018: a success!

For the third year running a group of us from EPCC attended the Big Bang Fair (BBF) at the NEC in Birmingham through the ARCHER Outreach programme.

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HPC-Europa3 visit: detecting floating objects in the sea using aerial images

Dr Antonio Javier Gallego visited EPCC under the HPC Europa 3 Programme. He recounts his experiences in this blog article.

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HPC-Europa3: an overview

Note: the next application date closes on the 17th May 2018.

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Installing Python packages in virtual environments

I recently looked into whether the Python package PyQt5 could be installed on Cirrus, a Tier-2 national service, on behalf of one of our HPC Europa visitors.

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