

Opportunity for a funded PhD place at EPCC

We have an opening for a fully funded PhD place at EPCC, starting September 2024, for a home fees status student. 

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EPCC PhD student

HPC on RISC-V: a hot topic at the 2024 International Supercomputing Conference

The 2024 International Supercomputing Conference in Hamburg, Germany, featured two dedicated RISC-V sessions.

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RISC-V logo

Powering down computer rooms at the ACF

The Advanced Computing Facility recently underwent a week of major works to ensure it continues to operate at peak efficiency.

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High voltage specialist removing a 11000Volt circuit breaker for inspection and maintenance.

Enhancing training materials for Research Software Engineers

The UNIVERSE-HPC project aims to identify and promote best practices in the training of Research Software Engineers (RSEs) to enable them to work in high performance computing.

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Logo of UNIVERSE HPC project

The Big Bang Fair 2024

EPCC will be demonstrating the value of high performance computing systems, including ARCHER2, the UK's National Supercomputing Service, at the Big Bang Fair in Birmingham this month.

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Logo with text "Big Bang Fair" with blue text contained in a white square

PhD research: enhancing Sparse Linear Algebra with AI and HPC

In the rapidly evolving landscape of high-performance computing, the challenge of efficiently processing large and sparse datasets is a critical hurdle across various scientific and engineering dom

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Fig 1 described in article.

Coupling an MD and a CFD package to enable multi-scale simulations of boiling

Embedded CSE (eCSE) support provides funding to the ARCHER2 user community to develop software in a sustainable manner to run on this UK National HPC system and also to prepare for a future Exascal

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Computer simulation of boiling

Quantum Week 2024 review

Oliver Brown, leader of EPCC's Quantum Group, reviews Quantum Week, which this year was held in Edinburgh.

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Text "Quantum Week 2024 Scotland" on black background

A review of ISC 2024

Laura Moran was part of the EPCC team at ISC 2024. Here she shares her experience of the conference as a first-time attendee and participant in the Women in HPC poster session.

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Laura Moran with poster at ISC24

The First Annual EPCC PhD Research Showcase

As EPCC has grown, so too has the number of our PhD students.

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Ananya Gangopadhyay presenting her research.